Monday, November 10, 2014

Letter to my Family in the East

Dear Family,                                                                           April 25, 1866
Family's Traveling West
                      As you know, I am now on my journey to the West. Right now I am in Oregon and I am going to the West to find a better place to start a new life and discover everything I can to start my new beginnings. I want to find gold and wish to become rich, but one of the things I've been eager to do is to ride a canoe on the Mississippi River. I know my desires and dreams seem unlikely to you all, but I am going to do whatever it takes to pursue them.
         So, far on my journey, I've been hearing a lot of tales about the Donner Family. It is very creepy because I am currently on the path that is called the Oregon Trail, that they took and apparently they ended up eating one another. What I also heard about this path is that the Donner family's bodies still lay beneath the mountain grounds, where they died. I came on this same path to the West because I wanted to see if there was anything left beneath the grounds they died on (I'm hoping gold). Not many people decided to come take the same path I am taking, but you know me, I've always been adventurous.Each day more and more people die of either starvation or lack of supplies. Many women are pregnant and give birth, which is a beautiful, but disgusting thing. People were talking about how George Donner's wife gave birth on the way to their journey, too bad they all died.
          Don't worry about me dying or having a lack of supplies me and my fellow, John have come prepared. Anyways, my next destination is to go to the Sierra foothills to hopefully find some gold nuggets. I've heard a lot of people became rich over there. It's sad that you all have decided to stay back in the East and have decided not to come on this journey with me, but I hope once I get rich off of gold I'll write back to you all and maybe convince you guys to come over to the West. I hope everything is okay back at home, I miss you all dearly and hope to hear back from you soon. Wish me luck on my journey to the West!
Sierra Nevada Mountains
George Donner 
                                         Truly Yours,
Map Route to the West

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Election Day

Flag of Massachusetts
3 Branches of Federal Government
Election day is determined on the the first Tuesday of November. The reason this is because in 1845 Congress passed a law that established when presidential elections be held. It was a good idea for the elections to be held in November because it was when harvest season was over and the harsh winters would not have arrived just yet making it easy for the people. Election Day is held on a Tuesday so that there would not be more than a 34-day period between the first Wednesday of December which is when the presidential election would be held. States where Election Day is a civic holiday are Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and West Virginia.
Elected Officials of 2014
Governor-Charlie Baker
Lieutenant Governor-Karyn Polito
Charlie Baker
Attorney General-Martha Coakley
Treasurer-Deb Goldberg
Auditor-Suzanne Bump
Senators-Edward Markey & Elizabeth Warren (both Democrats)
Massachusetts District 3 Representative- Niki Tsongas (Democrat)
Massachusetts House of Representatives
Senate-Eileen M. Donoghue
House-David M. Nangle
House(Federal)- Nicola S. Tsongas

Massachusetts District 3