Sunday, May 31, 2015

Leading to the Civil War

Toms Cabin
Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Stowe opposed slavery and wrote a novel describing the reality
and brutality of slavery. This angered many people and it triggered the abolitionist cause even more.
Wilmont Proviso
The Wilmont Proviso was created to eliminate slavery in the lands in result of the Mexican War. This sparked
even more controversy over slavery especially in the South because they felt that the Proviso should have impacted
their property rights and it would mess up the previous balance between free states and slave states.
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 admitted California as a free state and the trading of slaves was abolished in Wahington D.C. The
Fugitive Slave Act was revised during this compromise. It created tension and disagreements between
the Northern and Southern states because Northerners were told to be more aggressive with bringing back escaped slaves, which they were not fond of.
Kansas Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska Act is when Kansas and Nebraska were new lands
of settlement and it allowed the people to decide whether Kansas would be a 
slave state. It contributed to the start of the Civil War because it permitted 
slavery beyond the Southern states.
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was created by Henry Clay and it regulated slavery. It prohibited slavery
in the Louisianna territory north of the parallel 36°30' north. It was soon appealed by the  Kansas Nebraska Act.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass was and African American anti-slavery activist.

  • "I didn't know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted."
Frederick Douglass
This is saying that he did not know what being a slave was until he realized that being a slave meant he had to obey what other people wanted.

  • "Without a struggle there can be no progress"
This quote is saying that if everything is handled to you and there is absolutely no stress during anything you are doing there cannot be any progress because to learn from something and to learn new things struggle is involved. Struggle is glorious when you have overcome it and you're progressing from the last step you took.

  • "Its easier to build strong children than to repair broken man"
This is saying that its easier to mold children it a strong person rather than to repair a broken man because children haven't gone through all the experiences in life and its easier to guide them in life. With a broken man it is harder because they've seen the struggle and have been through the struggle. IT ll be harder to repair the man that has already witnessed life rather than children who haven seen anything yet.

  • "To him, your celebration is a shame"
This quote is Frederick Douglass explaining that the celebration of the Fourth of July is a shame because for enslaved African Americans and himself they cannot celebrate it at all the way other people can. The reason for this is because the Constitution states every man is created equal, but he believes its a shame because enslaved African Americans are restricted from almost everything while white and free people aren't.

  • "There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices"
This is saying that the United States is not a union with things like slavery because of the cruelty it brings with it. He believes that a nation is a place where all men and women are given equal rights no matter the skin color or race.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Current Events



Emanuel Ortega, Argentinian Footballer, Dies at Age 21

Topic: Argentinian soccer player dies from crashing into a concrete wall.


Emanuel Ortega
  • Questions have arisen on the presence of the wall and why it is there.
  • He suffered from a fractured skull and couldn't be saved.
  • He was playing for San Martin de Burzaco and was from Argentina

My opinion on this is shocking and unbelievable. Although, the site did not provide much information on the case, it has me wondering what went on before Emanuel crashed into a concrete wall. When fighting during the duel was it unnecessary and fooling around or was it a serious fight? It just goes to show that people in general, not only athletes, should take the time to view the surroundings before something serious like an injury could result in it.