Sunday, October 26, 2014

War of 1812

The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States of America and Britain. The United States declared war on June 18, 1812 because of trade restrictions, the impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy, and British support of Indian tribes against American expansion. First
War of 1812
the British blockaded the Atlantic Coast of the U.S., then naval battles were fought, and finally more battles on land were fought between the British and United States. The United States defeated the British alliances and the outcome of the war resulted in both Britain and the United States signing the Treaty of Ghent which was signed on December 24, 1814. The Treaty of Ghent was a peace treaty that restored the borders of the two countries.

The Star Spangled Banner 
On September 14,1814 soldiers raised a huge American flag to celebrate a very big victory of the British during the war of 1812. Francis Scott Key was inspired at the "broad stripes and stars" of the flag and decided to write a song, that is now known as the national anthem of the United States. The lyrics of the song was an importance of the national symbol and started a tradition throughout generations.
A verse I created for the National Anthem:Gave proof through the night that our flag will always stand.
 Oh say does that  bright red flag make all you Britain's mad.
 O'er our land that really isn't free but we watch the flag wave.

United States Flag

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